Business Concepts Investigated: Creative Thinking
Tips on how to be more creative. Entrepreneurs are always looking for new and innovative business ideas.
Innovative and entrepreneurial endeavors can be entertaining. After all, the activity frequently entails coming up with solutions to not only the problems of others, but also your own difficulties as well.
Problem Solving
A problem-solving process is comprised of two steps, namely problem finding and problem solution, that occur during the ideas-exploration stage:
Stage 1: Identifying the Problem
This stage entails the following activities:
- Obtaining information (facts, observations, feelings, and impressions)
- Identifying whether or if there is a genuine problem and gathering supporting evidence
Stage 2: Problem Solving
This stage entails the following activities:
- Alternatives are available for everything. the ability to think creatively
- Criteria for evaluating each choice; evaluation criteria for each alternative; the ability to be critical
Entrepreneurs' Club (Entrepreneurial Club):
Working in a group, commonly referred to as an Entrepreneurs Club, is a good technique to develop a large number of ideas. Following each of these ideas, one can ask the following follow-up questions:
- What exactly is the issue being addressed?
- Is this a legitimate concern?
Identification of a problem:
The following suggestions came from a club in which I was involved.
The Dead Flower Shop is the first of these suggestions.
Attiho used to be a member of this organization. He had no idea how he would do it at the time, but he had a vision of conquering the commercial world. During the brainstorming session, he and one of his buddies came up with the concept of starting a dead flower shop: as a practical joke, you send a dead flower to someone, such as your boss who is in the hospital, to make them laugh. A hysterical laughter erupted from the remainder of the club, including the group leader. However, despite the fact that the proposal was completely out of the blue, the leader was eager to investigate it further to see whether it had any merit.
Vinegars with a variety of flavors are another option.
In the same way, Mark, another member of the club, had an inspiration when his sister took him into a craft store. The store included a large display of affordable vinegar bottles made of green glass, which were quite reasonably priced. According to Mark, if he can develop some nice recipes, he will be able to produce some flavored vinegars and package them for sale in attractive bottles. A recipe would be attached to the back of the corks, which he would seal with wax and fasten with ribbon.
Idea #3: Needlework for Infants and Toddlers
Antonella had an inspiration. Mark, one of her group members, is a woodworker, and she enjoys cross-stitching. Her plan was to frame custom-designed needlework in country-style frames and offer them as gifts for newborns, using the proceeds from the sale. During the group discussion, it was proposed that improvements be made, such as the use of recycled materials.
The fourth idea is a Rubric-Cube Billboard.
If you replace billboards with a sign made up of thousands of dice-sized plastic cubes that twist and spin to form a new and varied colored advertisement every 30 seconds, you may save money on advertising while simultaneously serving as a neighborhood communication device. Fernando had an idea. The group was taken aback by what they saw.
These are only a few suggestions. When looking for a business enterprise to explore, the more ideas you have, the greater the number of possibilities you have. Curiosity should be maintained at all times. Looking for new opportunities, modifying your routines, making lists and daydreaming are all good ways to spend your time. Yes, you must assess ideas, but the most effective method to come up with an excellent concept is to generate a large number of them.

Mental Roadblocks to Creative Thinking:
You could be perplexed as to why some people generate a large number of ideas while others do not. It is frequently associated with two things:
- mental stumbling difficulties
- lack of motivation
If you are experiencing a mental barrier and are driven to overcome it, all you need to do is seek a plan to conquer it. The following are examples of common mental roadblocks, along with a suggested strategy:
- Do you have a rational way of thinking? Simply put, think gently.
- Do you have the impression that you are not following the rules? Defy the established order.
- Is it wrong to make a mistake? One advantage of failing is that it teaches you what doesn't work and provides you with the opportunity to attempt a different idea.
- I'm not a creative person? Make it a point to experiment with new things.
- That's not my expertise, is it? Make a conscious effort to see the big picture.
Problem-Solving Techniques:
In response to the problem posed by the Rubric-Cube Billboard – traditional billboards are too expensive and too inflexible – the group could begin to judge (Roger von Oech's term for the first stage in the problem solving process) by deciding what criteria (evaluate risks and obstacles, for example) could be used to determine whether or not the Public-Cube Billboard idea is a good one. Edward de Bono used the terms yellow hat – positive reaction – and black hat – negative reaction – thinking to describe this type of thinking.
The final stage entails taking action. It is referred to as the warrior stage of issue solving by Roger von Oech. In the words of Edward de Bono, it is blue hat thinking: the blue hat thinker is like the conductor of an orchestra, calling for the use of the other hats: facts, figures, and feelings (white), counter-arguments (red), concrete proposals and calls to action (black), and searches for alternative ideas (yellow) (green).
Creativity Exercises:
You're not feeling creative? Perhaps you should think beyond the box. The exercises listed below may be beneficial.
- VII- change this to eight by adding a single line
- IX- change this to six by adding only a single line
- FIVE- change into four
Answers to Exercises:
- Vertical line to right of VII
- ‘S’ in front of IX or Add 6 to IX; 1X6 = 6
- Remove ‘F’ and ‘E’, leaving IV
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